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Germany Facts, information, pictures | articles.
Scientific jobs in Germany -
Udo Kleinitz is a German qualified master boatbuilder with 15 years boatyard. As ICOMIA's Technical Manager his daily job is promoting the technical. Captain AJ served on the MCA's Large Yacht Code Working Group during the LY2 re-write.. Demler Marine Projects is based in Hamburg, Germany and operates .
Can Solar-Powered Sailing Ships Open Up Ocean-Based Commerce? 5-7 Sept -- SMM (Shipbuilding, Machinery & Marine Technology), Hamburg. May 15-17 -- Meetings in Berlin and Copenhagen with the German and Danish environment. Great reception from shipping companies and equipment suppliers.
1 University Medical Centre Hamburg-Eppendorf, Centre for Psychosocial Medicine. 2 Catholic University of Applied Sciences Nordrhein-Westfalen, German .. [29-31] and (mainly school-based) peer group programmes that draw on the ... in assessments (5) informed written consent of the parents and the children.
german technical writing and drawing instruments company based in hamburg
Hamburger Mattenfilter - Deals - Outsourcing Alert.
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Edgar Walthert, type & graphic design.
Hamburg Mattenfilter. The effectiveness is based on bacterial activity in the mulm.. (German law accepts a maximum value of 50 mg/l. Values. A bacterial reduction of nitrates can be done for your aquarium, using specific filtration equipment. .. Drawing 1 shows a construction of a Mattenfilter using a simple powerhead.
Speakers - Quaynote Communications.